Wednesday, October 20, 2010

When God Closes a Door.......

Well, our biggest fear during this process was realized this week... The Agency we are working will attempted to contact the birthfather to talk with him about the birthmom's adoption plan. He didn't say much except that his lawyer would be contacting the Agency lawyer.... which she did 30 minutes later. Apparently he was already building a case to not only stop the adoption, but also to fight the birthmom for custody of the baby girl. I don't really know what this guy is thinking right now... He is a single guy, who lives several hours away from where the birthmom and baby will be, has been absent for most of this pregnancy, and has no means to raise a baby. My heart grieves for this poor baby girl!! She is going to grow up in a broken home, being carted back and forth between birthparents. I know God's plan is to prosper and not to harm.... but it is hard to see that in this situation.

At this point, the agency is no longer pursuing an adoption case. They don't want to do anything that could damage the birthmom in a custody battle. That in itself is frustrating as well!! This woman, after being abandoned by the man who got her pregnant (and who wanted her to have an abortion), put her baby first, and chose to place her in a loving home where she could be raised by a mom and dad. Now, 3 weeks before she is due, he shows up and tries to use that against her, saying she didn't want the baby so he should get her. What is this world coming to where a woman can be praised for having an abortion because she exercised her "right to choose", yet be burned at the stake for choosing LIFE for her baby, and wanting to put it up for adoption.

I am frustrated at the situation.... but, at the same time, my hope is in the LORD, and I know that there is a sweet little baby that He has in mind for us. Please join me in prayer for our sweet friend, a woman who is preparing to fight, once again, for her baby girl, and who only wants the best for her. Pray that God would give her strength and courage during the next few weeks as she prepares to deliver her baby, and fight the father for her at the same time!


  1. Summer and Tim,

    Praising God for your courage and your faith. Praying for His perfect peace, Isaiah 26:3.

    Love and Prayers,
    Linda Fehlis

  2. Sometimes I sure don't see the reasons for pain and stupid people but I trust the Sovereign God who has never lost control of this mad mad world. Well most of the time i think I trust then I take my stupid thoughts captive and you know the rest...You and Tim are a blessing and will bless more children in the future...who knows what will happen with this one. maybe the chucklehead will get over himself or some money-hungry dippity do da lawyer will drop him like a bad habit.

  3. Hey, praying for you. That's rough. :(
