Thursday, June 23, 2011

The Real Waiting Begins

Cody was born at 2:08 this morning (Thursday, June 23rd)! He was 7lbs 3ozs and 19 3/4 inches long. They are all doing fine! Praise you Lord for bringing this baby into the world! Thank you for his birthmother who chose life for him! Babies truly are the greatest miracles!

Let me be honest with you.... I am terrified! Right now, Cody is probably snuggling in the arms of his birthparents. They are probably feeding him his early morning bottle, watching him while he sleeps, and kissing his little face. They are probably falling in love with him! The problem is, I have fallen in love with him too... and I haven't even seen him. They have the next 48 hours to fall head over heels, to the point of no return. That terrifies me!

Lord, I can't do this without You! Calm my anxious heart!

The side of me that likes to be in control of situations is freaking out, and I think that is right where God wants me. This is His turn to be in control (which I don't let happen near as much as I should)! I can almost hear Him asking this morning, "Summer, do you really trust me? Do you really believe that I can handle this on My own? Do you trust that I have your best interests at heart?" How many times in my past have I answered "no" to these questions through my actions?!?! The control side of me wants to go up to the hospital and try to convince her that I will be a great mom for Cody, but then I would be able to recieve the credit.... Instead, I am leaning on God. I am waiting on His timing.

 Lord, this is for YOUR glory! Regardless of what happens, we know that You are in control!

Although the 48 window passes at 2:08am Saturday morning, the agency doesn't do "middle of the night" signings and placements. So, we will probably be heading up to the hospital around 9ish Saturday morning to wait. We will hang out in the waiting room until our agency director comes out and says one of two things:
     1) They signed the papers, lets go back and see them and meet you new baby boy; or
     2) I'm sorry, they won't be placing this baby for adoption.

Pray with us these next 48+ hours! Pray that God would give all of us a peace and confidence in His plan for baby Cody. Pray that He would bring comfort for this birthfamily as they prepare to make the hardest decision of thier lives. And pray that we get some rest! I slept aweful last night and that could soon be the norm for a while, so I need the sleep now!

Thank you for joining us on this journey!


  1. Praying for you, Summer!! I can't imagine.

  2. Thanks for the update!! I've been praying for you and will continue to do so. What a great reminder for all of us to trust in His timing and in His plan!

  3. A Blessing for You and Tim and Cody's birthparents:

    May you find comfort and peace to get you through the days ahead. May God bless you with the strength you will need.
